Wednesday 30 September 2009

Chapter 5

My initial idea for my experimental video was to take lots of still photos of a skater walking to the skate park and take more still images of him skating, then do the same thing again for him walking home, but this will take to long to do, so i am going to do the still images of him walking to and back from the skate park, but I'm going to video him skating and put it in slow motion and change all the colours around.
I'm going to have the camera angle tilted to one side so its like in a diamond and maybe have a fish eye lens on the camera to give it more of an effect.
I am going to have a soundtrack over the top which will probably be D&B/dubstep or something that goes well with skating and flows well.
Skate park should be empty will have more of an effect, then fades into a busy skate park!
Ive been inspired to do a video like this by all the skating videos Ive watched and the Muto, animated wall art video where I'm taking the lots of still images put together to make a small film.

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